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Tecnologia :: DiSEqC :: DiSEqC per tecnici

[8.1] The Analog Control Signals
For the selection of the polarisation plane the height of the remote supply voltage is used, about 14V for vertical and 18V for the horizontal polarisation plane. The threshold level is between 15V and 15.5V.

The frequency band (Low band from 10,7 to 11.7GHz, High band from 11,7 to 12.75GHz) is selected using a tone signal (22kHz, 0.5Vpp) modulated onto the remote power, the tone selects the High band.

The third standard analog control signal (to select the satellite system) is a special feature. In the beginning development stages of DiSEqC, the industry demanded to first define a further, very simple analog criterion to be able to select the satellite system with dual feed installations. The control signal should be added into a receiver as easily as possible and should be compatible with DiSEqC. The result was a tone burst that had the approximate form of a one byte long DiSEqC command. This is where the term "Simple-one-Byte DiSEqC" first appeared. But since slave components were offered under the misleading description "DiSEqC compatible" which only detect the tone burst but not the actual DiSEqC information (see DiSEqC level), the marketing aid "DiSEqC" was retracted from the pulse sequence. The correct description of the signal is "ToneBurst".

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